

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

我们致力于确保您能够 访问 我们的网站. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU 学生技术中心.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

我们致力于确保您能够 访问 我们的网站. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU 学生技术中心.



The waitlist feature in 帆 allows you to add yourself to a virtual waiting list, 以防班级里有空位.

You can add yourself to the waitlist through the first week of the fall or winter semesters. Beginning the second week of late registration waitlisting is no longer available and instructor permission is required.  Add dates for summer vary by session (see the summer session information on the  日历). You can see your position in the waitlist within the "student detail schedule" feature in 帆.

重要的是要注意,并不是所有的课程都有候补名单功能. Adding yourself to the waitlist does not guarantee the ability to register later.

自动通知将发送到您的OU的电子邮件从 (电子邮件保护) 如果班上有空位. 如果多个位置可用,则会发送多个通知. You have 48 hours from the date and time of the notification to register for the class using 帆. 在此之后,下一个学生将被自动通知.

一旦一门课的候补名单开始, you may see seat(s) available but these seats are held for the students on the waitlist.  如果有兴趣,你可以加入候补名单.

是的. You cannot register for the same class more than once, but you can on the waitlist. 如果两者同时可用, 你必须选择你喜欢注册哪一个. If you are already registered for the same class but receive notification for a different time that you prefer, you will have to drop the class you are registered for while you add the new class.

If you change your mind about being on a waitlist please drop yourself form the waitlist so that you do not delay the process for other students. 你这么做真是太好了,谢谢.

May I get on the waitlist for a class that has a time conflict with another class?
是的. You cannot register for a class that has a time conflict, but you can add yourself to the waitlist. 你可以选择一个满员的班级, but register for another class at the same time in case you are not offered a seat from the waitlist. 如果你不确定,请向你的学术顾问寻求帮助. 如果你从候补名单中获得了一个时间冲突的座位, you will have to drop the class you are registered for while you add the new class.

是的. You can view your position on the Student Detail Schedule in the 登记 section of mysail.奥克兰.edu. 订单是0(0)到等待列表的最大值. A position of 0 (zero) means you have already been notified of an available seat and can register for the class.

What happens if I don’t register for a course within 48 hours after receiving an e-mail notification?
如果你没有在48个截止日期内注册, 等待名单上的下一个学生将移到名单的顶部. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you check your OU webmail often.

如果我是高年级学生怎么办? 我不应该比新生更有优先权吗?
是的. 在优先注册期间,您将根据班级排名获得优先权. Priority registration occurs once at the beginning of the registration period. 在注册的第一周之后, 所有其他注册都是先到先到, 标间. 你可以阅读更多关于重要日期和  网络注册.

一旦教练许可开始,所有等候名单将停止.  对于整个学期的课程,这是注册的第二周.  如果你在这段时间之前立即排队, 您的自动通知将列出一个48小时的窗口, 但你只有在教练允许之前才可以.  对于少于整个学期的课程,请参阅 重要日期日历 等待名单结束后获取更多信息.

大多数课程都有候补名单. All classes with an electronic waiting list will be easily identified in 帆.

Why can’t I get on a waitlist for a class that has a lab, recitation or other requirement?
所有的课程要求必须满足,才能进入课程候补名单. If you do not meet these requirements you are prevented from waitlisting for the class. Please refer to the appropriate academic catalog and work with your academic adviser prior to waitlisting for to ensure any requirements are met or you receive any overrides required. Being offered a seat from the waitlist does not guarantee that you can register for the class because you still must meet all of the requirements and restrictions.

I received a waitlist e-mail, but when I tried to register I couldn’t because of a registration hold. 什么是错的?
All registration 持有 must be resolved or an override provided before registration may occur. It is your responsibility to check your 持有 before adding yourself to a waitlist. 了解更多关于 持有.

我不小心掉了候补班. 我怎么回去?
As long as you are still within the 48 hour deadline you can add the class by going to the Add/Drop Classes in 帆. You will then need to type in the CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet and click submit changes. 这可以帮你注册这门课. After the 48 hour deadline you may add yourself back to the bottom of the waitlist, 而且那个空位已经给了另一个学生.

很可能不会. 另一名学生则因为有空位而退课. 候补名单不能保证一定有座位. 这学期有几次, 等待列表暂停几个工作日,以支持各种流程. 你的原职将保留并恢复. 在此期间的任何空缺都将触发通知.

Academic questions should be referred to the academic department that offers the class, 或者你的学术顾问. 候补名单 or registration questions can be answered by the 司法常务官办公室 at (电子邮件保护) or (248) 370-3450.

学生可以在任何具有等候名单功能的课程中使用 通过秋季/冬季学期的第一周. Add dates for summer vary by session (see the summer session information on the academic 日历).

All class restrictions will be enforced for a waitlist except for time conflict and duplicate class. These restrictions are allowed for the waitlist only and will be enforced at the time of registration. Overrides may be given in advance to a student on a waitlist if offered a spot to register.


自动通知将发送到学生的公开大学的电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 如果班上有空位. 如果多个位置可用,则会发送多个通知. 学生有48小时的时间使用帆注册课程.


The student can see their position in the waitlist in their student detail schedule. 教师 may also see the position of a student on a waitlist in either the detail wait list or summary waitlist using 帆. A position of zero (0) indicates a student has been offered a spot in the class and a deadline will be listed for registration.
While students can waitlist for a full section, students cannot register if a class is full. 没有重写允许这样做.  如果更多的学生能够注册, the  section maximum enrollment should be increased and this will allow students on the waitlist to register.
这学期有几次, 等待列表暂停几个工作日,以支持各种流程 e.g. prerequisite enforcement drops, academic dismissal, billing cancellation etc. All student positions are preserved and notifications will resume in the same order once restarted.
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